HOD Message

Dr. Manjunath .S.H
Professor and HOD,Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dear colleagues and students,
Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at BGSIT- Adichunchanagiri University.
We have a strong undergraduate program in mechanical engineering, with the sanctioned students’ strengths of 60. The primary focus of our curriculum is to impart technical know-how to students, promote their problem solving skills and innovation of new technologies. Department has a plan to offer number of interdisciplinary courses to the students to pursue their interest. Students are encouraged to take various projects having social relevance and encouraged to spend time on Agricultural equipments and Energy saving sectors. Apart from imparting lectures, department takes the intense interest towards personality development. It offers from time to time career counseling and mentoring in small groups.
Faculty members have excellent academic credentials and are highly regarded. The faculty members are involved in cutting edge research and have publications in high impact journals. If you have any queries after browsing the department webpage, please contact me. Thank you for sparing time and visiting us. .
I wish all the Students and Faculty a great academic career.